GMTS Assurance March 2020 (SW)

The process of bidding for a trainee in the March 2020 cohort consists of 2 assurance stages:

Stage 1Commitment to pay and bid particulars online form this includes programme and placement manager information, placement details and support you will provide to trainees.

Stage 2 Quality assurance of your bid by Local Leadership Academy (LLA) GMTS Leads contact details of which can be found here .

This online form is stage 1, a submission must be made per bid for example if you’re interested in hosting a HR and a General Management trainee you should submit 2 forms. THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING THIS FORM IS 31 OCTOBER 2019. Following submission you’ll be contacted by your LLA GMTS Lead in due course regarding the final stage – Quality Assurance of your bid and subsequent bid outcome.

We’re looking for system placement bids to cover the duration of trainees’ time on the scheme (2-2.5 years). This could be a partnership or collaborative bid. The lead host organisation should submit the bid on behalf of the partnership/collaborative.

Lead organisations can only partner with one organisation per specialism. Any reverse bids e.g. partner as lead or lead as partner will be considered additional not duplicate bids and will be liable for all commitments bid for if successful.

Useful information to complete this form:

  • You may see references throughout this form such as “A1, B1”, these are for office use only please don’t be concerned by these.
  • Where there are drop down lists from which you’re asked to select an option there will be a small downwards facing arrow to the right of the question. You need to click in the field to select from the drop down menu not on the arrow.
  • You’re able to save and continue completing the form at a later date – you’ll see this option right at the bottom of the form. If you select this option you’ll be provided with a unique link to complete the form at a later time and you can also select an option to have the link emailed to you.


The NHS Leadership Academy is part of NHS Improvement. As such, all requests for the NHS Leadership Academy can be sent via NHS Improvement. Their page explains our privacy policy and how we will use and protect any information about you that you give to us or that we collate when you visit this website, or undertake employment with NHS Improvement, or participate in any NHS Improvement sponsored training education and development.

By submitting this form you’ll also confirm that you’ve accepted the terms of our privacy statement. If at any time you change your mind and want to withdraw your consent, or want any information we hold about you deleted, you can do this by contacting us on 0113 322 5699 or by emailing