NCMC Task and Finish Group Nominations

Please use the form to inform which of the two task and finish groups you would like to participate in.

NCMC Task & Finish Group Nominations

  • Task and Finish Groups

    Find below information regarding each of the five task and finish groups. Please choose TWO of the five listed that you would like to participate in then use the final box to nominate your preferences.
  • 1. Capacity

    Over the next 5 years, increase the capacity of internal coaches, coach supervisors and mentors including overall uptake of coaching and mentoring in line with system demand, prioritising our provision where it is needed most.
  • 2. Capability

    Over the next 5 years, Improve the capability of our coaches, coach supervisors and mentors to ensure we have an adequately equipped and diverse range of high calibre coaches and mentors with a range of skills, within a breadth of specialties.
  • 3. Inclusion

    Ensure diversity and inclusion is at the core of our coaching and mentoring strategy and aligned to the NHSLA Building Leadership for Inclusion Strategy (BLFI), whilst continuing to improve access to coaching and mentoring opportunities for underrepresented groups.
  • 4. Systems

    Amalgamation of regional coaching and mentoring registers to a shared platform, providing an inclusive, responsive service to the system by April 2020.
  • 5. Quality

    Agreement of rigorous quality standards for our coaching and mentoring provision underpinned by a robust and consistent approach to evaluating our impact on the system.
  • Task & Finish Nominations